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We explore the workings of the gamechanger mind with therapist Pamela Garber

This week I’m joined by mediator and therapist Pamela Garber.  Pamela has been credited with creating a game changing behaviour modification program– “Playing the Tape” which has been used in residential and outpatient treatment programs with remarkable results.
This week's show also includes:

A Book of The Week recommendation from Donna Burton (Donna the Astronomer @ Milroy Observatory).  Donna recommends you read  Authentic Dynamic  Savvy by Rachel Allen.

An elevator pitch from Hayden of Zea Relief 

Kizzi's Friday Game Changers
Kizzi's Friday Game Changers
We explore the workings of the gamechanger mind with therapist Pamela Garber

1 thought on “We explore the workings of the gamechanger mind with therapist Pamela Garber”

  1. Hi there! The link is not working for the Pamela Garber gamechanger site, may someone please look into it? Would love to listen to it, sounds very interesting. Thanking you kindly and take care.

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